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Our valuable member, Maple Bear Belgrade is a bilingual kindergarten that utilizes Canadian teaching strategies, while remaining in line with…

Fitch Ratings Confirms Credit Rating of Serbia at BB+

Just like this March, the credit rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed the credit rating of the Republic of Serbia at BB+…

Akcijom našeg uvaženog člana i osnivača, Apatinske pivare, SEKOPAKA i JKP “12 septembar” – Bajina Bašta sakupljeno više od 800 kilograma ambalažnog otpada

Posle završene 27. Drinske regate koja je okupila veliki broj ljubitelja najstarije i najmasovnije manifestacije na reci Drini koji su…

CANSEE held an extremely successful Summer Business Networking Cocktail organized by Zlatna Reka

On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, in the premises of our esteemed member Zlatna Reka and on a beautiful balcony with…

Open House Cocktail @Belgrade Waterfront Sales Centre at Sava Promenada organized by Atrium Property Services, June 18, 19-21h

On Friday, June 18 in a beautiful atmosphere and ambience, CANSEE in cooperation with an exceptional member and the company Atrium…

Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike i vodeće kompanije iz oblasti rudarstva učestvovale u panel diskusiji organizovanoj od strane NSTLAW i CANSEE

Dana 15.06.2021. godine u prostorijama hotela Hilton održana je panel diskusija o poslednjim izmenama Zakona o rudarstvu i geološkim istraživanjima,…

Holiday Inn Express Reopens Hotel in Belgrade

We are pleased to inform you that our valuable member, Holiday Inn Express has reopened its space for all interested…

Schneider Electric Making “Green Building” in Novi Sad – Former Industrial Hall in Novkabel Complex to Become Modern Business Center

Schneider Electric in Novi Sad is to move into a new business building in the former Novkabel industrial complex next…

80 Years Since the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Belgrade – Ottawa

Organized by the Archives of Yugoslavia in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and…

LEADER Project Serbia 2021 gathering at Nova Iskra

On Monday, May 17 a very successful and amazing gathering held at the wonderful premises of Nova Iskra in Belgrade…

Trag fondacija proglasila dobitnike 14. Virtus nagrade za filantropiju

Trag fondacija je četrnaesti put zaredom dodelila VIRTUS nagradu za filantropiju, kompanijama, malim i srednjim preduzećima i pojedincima, koji su…

CANSEE u partnerstvu sa Ambasadom Kanade i PKS-om otvorio petu po redu kanadsku LEADER poslovnu edukaciju

CANSEE Kanadsko-srpsko poslovno udruženje, u saradnji sa Privrednom komorom Srbije i Ambasadom Kanade u Beogradu, organizuje od 10. do 21….

Poziv kanadskim investitorima da dođu u Srbiju

Ministarka privrede u Vladi Republike Srbije Anđelka Atanasković i ambasador Kanade u Srbiji Džajls Norman postigli su dogovor da će…

Apatinska pivara, Ambasada Kanade i CANSEE podelilI sadnice jasena građanima Apatina

Opština Apatin i kompanija Apatinska pivara podelili su danas građanima 300 sadnica belog jasena u okviru nacionalne prolećne akcije “Posadi…


U okviru obeležavanja Međunarodnog dana devojčica u IKT sektoru koji jedanaesti put organizuje Udruženje poslovnih žena Srbije, ove godine pod…

Mihajlović sa predstavnicima kompanije Mineco o potencijalnim i aktuelnim projektima u rudarstvu

Ministarka rudarstva i energetike Zorana Mihajlović razgovarala je sa predstavnicima kompanije Mineco Markom Brajantom i Bojanom Popovićem o potencijalnim i…

Schneider Electric panel “Da li je tvoje buduće zanimanje u Tech svetu?”

U okviru obeležavanja Međunarodnog dana devojčica u IKT sektoru (četvrti četvrtak u aprilu), pored takmičenja za izbor najboljeg video rada…

The Little Things That Make Employees Feel Appreciated

Imagine this scenario: An employee named Rowen arrives at work on his 10-year anniversary and finds a gift card with…

NST Law organized Data Protection Seminar Part 2 in partnership with CANSEE

Our valuable member NST Law organized a successful “Data Protection Seminar Part 2” in cooperation with CANSEE where participants learned…

Otvorene prijave za Delta Biznis Inkubator 2021

Kompanija Delta Holding otvorila je prijave za program za podršku razvoju startap ideja. Četvrti po redu onlajn konkurs za Delta…

Kinstellar u saradnji sa advokatskom kancelarijom Littler izradio smernice o pravnim aspektima u formi Vodiča za dalju vakcinaciju i podsticaj

Kako bi se proces vakcinacije i imunizacije protiv virusa Kovid-19 odvijao u skladu sa relevantnim pravnim okvirima, naš dragi i…

Mogućnost ulaganja kanadskih kompanija u energetski sektor

Ministarka rudarstva i energetike Zorana Mihajlović razgovarala je danas sa ambasadorom Kanade u Srbiji Džajlsom Normanom o unapređenju saradnje dveju…

Naš uvaženi član, cargo-partner, ima rešenje za transport usled blokade Sueckog kanala

Preko 150 brodova ostalo je zaglavljeno ispred Sueckog kanala zbog blokiranja prolaza “MV Ever Given”, gigantskog broda natovarenog sa 200.000…

Jedini proizvođač betonskog čelika u Srbiji “Metalfer Steel Mill” dobio “Čuvarkuću”

Proizvodi jedinog domaćeg proizvođača betonskog čelika “Metalfer Steel Mill” iz Sremske Mitrovice, utkani su u brojne objekte u Srbiji i svetu,…

CANSEE announces an open call for the 5th LEADER Project Serbia 2021!

The Leader Project is implemented in cooperation with the renowned Richard Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario, Canada. It was founded in 1991 by MBA students from the Ivey Business School with the mandate of empowering promising entrepreneurs in frontier markets to envision, launch, and/or scale new ventures. Through this approach, the Leader Project program aims to enable high-potential individuals to develop local business solutions that create opportunities for their communities. At this ten-day free-of-charge program, participants have the opportunity to learn through business case studies, which are part of the Richard Ivey MBA curriculum. The goal of the program is to educate Macedonian young entrepreneurs and aspirating entrepreneurs on the fundamentals of doing business. Participants learn how to turn their business ideas into a reality or to successfully expand their existing companies in the country. We thus support the growth of Macedonian businesses and entrepreneurship, which positively affects the overall economic development of the country.

Cracking the Code of Sustained Collaboration

One problem is that leaders think about collaboration too narrowly: as a value to cultivate but not a skill to…

Proposed rule change eases pressure on prospectors

Draft legislation published in December to extend by 12 months the timelines for spending capital raised by junior exploration and…

VIII CANSEE General Assembly Session held at Historical Museum of Serbia in Belgrade on February 22, 2021

CANSEE Canadian Serbian Business Association organized VIII Regular General Assembly on Monday, February 22, at the beautiful premises of the Historical Museum of Serbia, 11…

NALED predstavio Sivu Knjigu 13 i dodelio priznanja za doprinos reformama

U utorak, 23. februara 2021. na 13. godišnjoj konferenciji o ekonomskim reformama NALED je predstavio 13. izdanje Sive knjige koja sadrži 100 preporuka privrede…

CANSEE Board of Directors Meeting, February 4, 2021 @ Online

On Thursday, February 4, 2021, the ONLINE CANSEE Board of Directors Meeting was successfully held in a pleasant atmosphere and…