Our valuable member NST Law organized a successful “Data Protection Seminar Part 2” in cooperation with CANSEE where participants learned more about privacy and data protection law and enjoyed exchanging experiences and opinions.
Webinar was held on January 30, 2020, in an exceptional ambience at the premises of the Hilton Hotel in Belgrade.
Mrs. Ljiljana Urzikic Stanković, Partner at NST Law office, who has an extensive experience of providing advisory services to parties in Serbia and other countries in the region on matters of data protection, provided all participants with more detailed information and practical advices related to this important topic.
The new law on data protection has been in force since August 2019, and companies are obliged to harmonize their work with this law, which was discussed during this seminar and questions were answered of those interested in this important topic.
A very useful seminar in the form of a workshop was very beneficial for all participants and facilitated further activities of the business community.