Macedonia2025 is a non-profit, non-political organization with a primary focus on economic and leadership development, working in partnership with businesses, government, and academia to generate opportunities and build capacities for economic growth, therefore helping build a stronger nation.

Although the Macedonia2025 Summit is a premier regional gathering that serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, connecting organizations, and inspiring change in Southeast Europe, due to the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Summit took place in a hybrid format for the first time and focused on the world during and after the global health and economic crisis. This event was held from December 1-3 and the summit participants discussed, shared knowledge, and exchanged opinions with governments, medical representatives, academia, businesses, NGOs, and other high-level representatives.

Among the outstanding participants who spoke on topics about economic reforms, what it takes to be super successful and how to benefit during the pandemic, we are very pleased and honored that one of the guests who participated was Mr. Ivan Bogdanović, owner and managing director at RB Global/Stara Sokolova, our respected and valuable member with a long term and successful business cooperation. On the second day of the summit, he had the opportunity to participate in the Same Rules – Different Countries: How to Start, Build and Succeed in Business panel where he explained his way to recognize favorable opportunities and persistence as values to success.