Ambassador of Canada to Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, Mr. Philip Pinnington and Ms. Mirjana Doncic-Beaton, CANSEE joined Leader Project 2015 Participants, Leader Project Instructors and Macedonia2025 Staff at the Closing ceremony in Skopje, Friday, May 15, 2015.
Ambassador Pinnington and Ms. Doncic-Beaton took part in the Jury and in the presentation of the Diplomas for the successful candidates.
This educational program, a ten-day intensive business education course titled LEADER Project, helped transfer business leadership and analytical skills to 40 participants from Macedonia and Serbia, most of them young professionals and entrepreneurs. The participants were very satisfied to have taken part in the trainings and would highly recommend them to other entrepreneurs and managers. They highlighted the networking possibilities, the new skills and knowledge they gained and that will help them be more successful in the everyday work and business activities.
CANSEE wants to thank the Canadian partners at the Canadian Embassy- H. E. Ambassador Philip Pinnington and Macedonia2025, for presenting us with the opportunity to be of the LEADER Project for 2015.