Delta Holding announced the beginning of the competition for the fifth generation of Young Leaders, under the slogan ‘We snatch the best ones’. The competition is open until 23 October, 24.00 h.

The competition is open for senior undergraduates and graduate students from all faculties. Interested candidates may apply online only at:

The candidates who pass the selection process and become Young Leaders will gain work experience over a one year program through three rotations in different member companies of Delta Holding. Changing workplace every four months, they will be able to gain better and more comprehensive insight in overall business under the assistance of more experienced colleagues acting as their mentors.

This innovative project for employment of talented young people without work experience has started in 2012. So far, nearly 12.000 candidates have applied for this program and 94 of them were given the opportunity to participate.

All details about Young Leaders competition can be found at Young Leaders website, Facebook page, Twitter profile, Instagram and LinkedIn account.

The fifth generation of Young Leaders will be joining the employees in January 2017.