On Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, CANSEE representatives visited Čika Boca, the only organization in Serbia that deals with young people facing cancer, responding to their needs through support programs for children and young people facing cancer and their families with a peer approach.

For 10 years, Čika Boca has been dealing with the social and psychosocial inclusion of children and young people treated for cancer in Serbia, improving the development of knowledge and skills for life with cancer and after cancer. They have developed innovative programs and support models for children, youth and families.

Since 2010, they have been continuously implementing support programs and projects:

“We can do anything” Camp, Back to School, Youth Couseling Center MladiCe Pričalice, Publications on the long-term consequences of treatment as well as publications and texts on childhood cancer.

MladiCe are all young people (under the age of 28) currently in the process of treatment, remission or have completely recovered from malignancy. The word “MladiCe” comes from “mladi” (young) and the letter C, which is a code for cancer in the medical code.

You can help them keep the counseling center afloat and expand the support team. Your donation will help a young person affected by cancer get support and overcome this incredible life challenge more easily, because cancer is a problem of the community, and not just the one to whom it happens.

Please support their work by donating or volunteering or if you want to help out in other ways, please contact Čika Boca at 0114059414 or visit their website www.cikaboca.org for more information.

We sincerely thank you for your support!