On November 9th, 2022. Association of Business Women in Serbia held the XVI traditional ceremony “CVET USPEHA ZA ŽENU ZMAJA” at the Opera and Theatre Madlenianum.

The Association of business women in Serbia presented the award “Success Flower” to the best women entrepreneurs in Serbia at the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum.

The best companies are also recognized, for applying socially responsible business strategies as well as principles of gender equality and providing the best model for the inclusion of women in supply chains, and are presented with the award – “Most Gender Sensitive CSR Model“.

This year, 3 awards for the most gender-sensitive company were awarded to Schneider Electric (1st place), Erste Bank AD (2nd), and Nestlé Adriatic d.o.o. (3rd).

Neda Lang, HR director at Schneider Electric Serbia.

We are proud to see that our valuable member Schneider Electric is being recognized for its efforts to put into effect goal 5 of the 17 Global Goals – Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. They include as many as 10 women in the supply chain. They support women in IT through many activities and also encourage girls to choose IT-related fields, among other things, through the years-long support of International Girls in ICT Day, marked by the Association of Business Women in Serbia for the past 12 years.

In Serbia, they operate with two entities – Schneider Electric Serbia and Schneider Electric DMS NS based in Novi Sad, which is a unique research and development center for Smart GRID solutions. It is especially devoted to the development and delivery of its main product, ADMS (Advanced Distribution Management System)