In view of the current situation and the pandemic that has affected not only our country but the entire world, it is our duty to act responsibly and in accordance with the basic goals of our CANSEE Canadian-Serbian Business Association.
Respecting all recommendations and measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia issued by competent authorities regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), we will postpone all announced events until the situation in Serbia normalizes and the working conditions are safe for our health!
Also, we remain consistent with our mission and goals at CANSEE, which is to share and promote information of importance as well as the experiences we gain during a state of emergency that will benefit everyone in running their business and employees.
In these delicate and extraordinary moments, we are at your disposal for all your questions.
In the upcoming period, CANSEE team will be proactive and provide you with useful digital and informative content of importance that can be beneficial for each individual for the purpose of personal advancement and thus the progress of the entire company.
Please stay safe and take care.