January 28, 2016. – The Regular annual General Assembly of CANSEE members was held at the Embassy of Canada in Serbia, with more than 75% of members attending.  At the GA, CANSEE presented the financial report for 2015, the highlights of 2015 events, and the list of tentative activities for 2016.
The event was officially opened by the Canadian Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Philip Pinnington, emphasizing his pleasure at the fact that the Embassy was in the position to support CANSEE activities. “I believe that a lot was done during last year, and we are quite happy about the strength of the membership. In the next year the Embassy will, in every possible way, continue to support CANSEE,” said the Ambassador.
Prior to the GM, the EBRD workshop was also held, where the speakers were the Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Serbia, Mr. Daniel Berg, as well as the financial analyst, Mr. Emir Zildovic.
Mr. Berg presented the activities of EBRD in Serbia, including a portfolio comprising a total of 122 projects amounting to 2.5 billion euros and explained which criteria a company should meet to be granted a loan by this prestigious bank.
In his introductory speech, Mr. Goran Obradovic, CANSEE President, emphasized that he was delighted to see so many new faces compared to the previous year. 
During the meeting, Mr. Obradovic presented a list of the planned activities for 2016, inter alia, announced the IT event on February 11 – Digital Devices, followed by a workshop on “Tax Legislative Procedure” & Canadian IT Roundtable, LEADER Project 2016 in May, and the workshop on “How to Export Food and Drinks from Serbia to Canada” in September. Also, the networking events were announced, visits to CANSEE member companies, as well as now traditional CANSEE New Year’s celebration in December.
“This is our initial plan of activities, which probably will be further developed and amended in consultation with CANSEE Members”, said Mr. Obradovic.
Mrs. Mirjana Dončić-Beaton, CANSEE Executive Director, expressed her pleasure at the fact that this year’s central event would be the LEADER project 2016 in Serbia organized by CANSEE.
LEADER project, starting as of 1991, has simultaneously been held at various locations throughout the world. It is a ten-day intensive training, based on a specially developed MBA program of Richard Ivey School, one of the top ranked business schools in Canada.