Last days of August H.E. Philip Pinington and CANSEE delegation headed by Mr. Aleksandar Obrenović, CANSEE board member and Ms. Mirjana Dončić-Beaton spent in city of Pirot. The aim of the visit was to explore the potentials of Pirot region in order to raise economic cooperation between Serbia and Canada to a higher level. Connections with the local government and local business community were established, and significant companies Tigar Tyres and Tigar Ltd. were visited.

Upon the arrival, welcoming reception at the office of the Mayor of Pirot Mr. Vladan Vasić was organized for H. E. Philip Pinnington and CANSEE delegation. Mr. Branislav Čurić, CEO of Tigar Ltd. and Mr. Dragan Kostić, CEO of Free zone Pirot were also present at the meeting.

Main topic of this meeting was introduction of the business potential of this region. This region has a very good geographical position at the root of Koridor 10. It used to be the center of dairy goods production, leather, wood and wool industry. Today Pirot sees its business chance at promoting tourism, production of healthy goods and manufacturing food said Mayor of Pirot.

H.E. Philip Pinnington pointed out that Canadian investors are very pleased with the conditions in Serbia. “We always encourage them not to look only at Belgrade but outside Belgrade as well, because there are tremendous opportunities in many areas, Pirot being one of them”.

After the meeting with the Mayor, Business forum was organized, where more than twenty businessmen of the region had a chance to get acquainted with the mission and goals of CANSEE as well as potentials of exporting their goods and services to Canada. After the presentation given by H.E. Philip Pinnington and Ms. Mirjana Dončić – Beaton, local businessmen had the opportunity to present their companies, among them there were those who already do business with Canada.

H.E. Philip Pinnington and CANSEE delegation visited Tigar Tyres and Tigar Ltd. Tigar Tyres, now owned by Michelin is a company with a long tradition, equipped in accordance with the latest technological and technical trends. It is among three largest exporters in Serbia. Additional modern factory building was just opened last March. It increased production of tires by 50% and lead to creation of new jobs and the prosperity of the local community.

During visit of Tigar Ltd. facilities, company’s product range was presented and touring of the factory was arranged. His Excellency and delegation were able to see the entire production process of different types of boots.

Visit to Free zone Pirot was very useful showing great possibility of carrying out operations and activities under guaranteed facilities and benefits. CANSEE valuable member, Teri Engineering owns its production facilities in this area.

In Pirot, H.E. Philip Pinnington and CANSEE delegation had a unique chance to immerse in local culture and tradition. In craft union “Damsko srce” they had an oppurtunity to see how traditional Pirot carpets are made as well as try out making carpets. They have also visited Dairy School, where famous Pirot cheese is produced. Ambassador stated that these handmade, organic and unique goods could be very interesting if exported to Canadian market.