CANSEE Canadian-Serbian Business Association in cooperation with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia will organize for the first time in Belgrade the educational program “LEADER project,” of the Canadian school Richard Ivey Business School, one of the top ranked business schools in Canada.
LEADER program, starting as of 1991, has simultaneously been held at various locations throughout the world. It is a ten-day intensive training, free of charge, based on a specially developed MBA program of Richard Ivey School.
LEADER project represents a long tradition of commitment to transfer of knowledge, with the leading goals of company improvement, placement of new business ideas on the market, enhancement of competitiveness of domestic economy.
During ten days, LEADER project teachers help the participants learn how to come to a deeper understanding of the program material and how to apply their knowledge in optimal manner to their business plan and workplace.
Project participants are selected among the most prominent candidates: entrepreneurs, managers and representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises. In the spirit of the program title, special attention is dedicated to building leadership skills and self-confidence in taking responsibility and business initiatives.
At the end of the program, each participant is expected to make a five-minute presentation of a business plan which aims to convince the teachers of its feasibility and attainability.
CANSEE Executive Director, Mrs. Mirjana Dončić-Beaton, points out that “the main concept in the background of the project is that in the coming years of organizing and holding such program in Serbia, a group of entrepreneur leaders would gradually gather together, who would employ the knowledge acquired and contacts made in providing further successful business operations and enhancement of competitiveness of our economy”.
Besides, in the previous year, 2015, CANSEE association was the partner of “Macedonia 2025” organization, which for eight years in a row has successfully organized LEADER project in Macedonia and on that occasion a group of participants from Serbia was delegated, who were selected from member companies Molson Coors/ Apatinska Pivara, Pharma Swiss/Valeant, Delta Holding and Energoprojekt.
The competition for participation in LEADER project 2016 will be announced in March this year.