On Tuesday March 24, 2015 CANSEE Canadian-Serbian Business Association visited two sister companies: PROTON SYSTEM LLC and ABELA PHARM.

Proton System LLC is a leader amongst pharmaceutical companies in South Eastern Europe and maintains its presence in the following countries: Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Montenegro. The area of their expertise is sourcing pharmaceutical products, partaking in their evaluation / registration in European markets, their importation, as well as actively performing medical related marketing. Proton System is currently focusing on areas in which significant results have already been achieved in developing, registration, marketing, and research projects: (gastroenterology, oncology, allergology, urology, etc.).

Proton System was founded in 1999, and has been steadily growing ever since.

Abela Pharm LCC has been established in 2006, as a company for production and trade in high quality pharmaceutical products.

The company is focused on research, development and production of completely natural dietary supplements which are designed for health of the whole family. Their priority is that only the highest quality products get to bear the Abela Pharm company trademark.

Abela Pharm is currently focused on: development, registration, marketing and research projects (pulmonology, gastroenterology, urology…), but they are certainly open to new programs and potential partnerships. In their production plant, Abela Pharm manufactures liquid and solid pharmaceutical forms.